Bollywood Bombshell Mallika Sherawat, who is known for her steamy roles in 'Murder', 'Khwahish', is busy shooting in Indore for her upcoming film 'Dirty Politics' a movie based on the alleged murder of Bhanwari Devi, a politician from Rajasthan. Also, since the film involves many scandals and scams, there are steamy and vulgar portions which show women in poor light.
According to script, Mallika has to do intimate scenes with Om Puri which has got cold feet for the hot actress. Mallika said, "My mother is accompanying me during the shoot. She will be around for 4-5 days and I'm hoping she leaves before these scenes begin. I won't be comfortable doing them in front of her for sure."
She added, "It will be awkward for me, considering Om Puri is such a senior actor. I am hoping not many people are present on set while these bold scenes are being shot."
nice post